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I collect designations from education companies and vendors. Often these come naturally from my business associations (I worked for Learning Tree for 9 years). Others are the result from my close affiliation with business partners (such as my designations from the Santa Cruz Operation).
Vendor Neutral Designations |
UNIX Systems Certified Professional
Learning Tree, May 1998.
This designation is awarded after completing trainig and testing out on
exams in UNIX System Administration, UNIX Security, UNIX Networking, UNIX
Advanced Administration and UNIX Tools and Utilities.
UNIX Programming Certified Professional
Learning Tree, November 1998.
This designation is awarded after completing trainig and testing out on
exams in C Programming, Advanced C Programming, TCP/IP Network Programming,
UNIX Administration and Shell Programming.
Vender Specific Designations |
I have earned designations from:
For technical designations, you can find out more by following the links under Technical Skills directory.